Find Success In Therapy


Hello, I'm So Glad You Are Here!

My name is Debra R. Wengert, LCSW. I am a successful therapist with nearly two decades of experience.

I have helped many thousands of people heal lifetime wounds and I continue to run a full practice today.

As a certified Clinical Supervisor, I put my years of experience to work for people like you as a business coach for therapists.

You can use my experience to start or scale up your therapy career. My business coaching can dramatically accelerate your path to a full practice and a successful living.

Growing Your Own Practice Is Possible!

It breaks my heart that so many therapists stay in dead end jobs with little respect or pay. Self employment is not for everyone.  It is for those who want to be in control of their career. Working for someone else leaves you limited on income, limited on raises, limited on time, and expected to do two jobs for the price of one.

My Goal is to help therapists who want to start a private practice but are missing come critical experience.

Use My Years Of Experience As A Therapist, Coach & Entrepreneur.

A Specialized Business Coach Makes A Big Difference

This Is NOT a Workshop Or A Seminar

I have developed a 1 Year intensive co-operative coaching program just for Therapists like you.

There are many things that traditional business coaches do not know about running a mental health practice. Common sense and traditional business acumen still leaves a coach or therapists to figure out a lot of things on your own. I have created a Private Practice Success System to quickly streamline your business to positive cash flow.

How It Works:

Detailed Explanation of what’s includes, all focused on adding value